Frog on a Log

This pho­to­graph was tak­en out­side Mem­phis Ten­nessee one week before the floods in the spring of 2011. I have always been cap­ti­vat­ed by the beau­ty of God’s cre­ation. Any­time I can get close to His crea­tures, I am tru­ly amazed at His handy work. In this par­tic­u­lar pho­to­graph, I was try­ing for an action shot, which con­sist­ed of wait­ing for the frog to jump. How­ev­er, he was very con­tent with his seat in the warm sun and refused to jump. Final­ly, when he was weary of me shoot­ing pho­tos he sim­ply slid off the log back­wards. This pho­to is rich in shad­ows, reflec­tions and col­or that I did not notice when I was shoot­ing the pho­to. I love that about a cam­era- the way it cap­tures those unique moments in time and space- moments that oth­er­wise go unnoticed.

Frog on a Log
Frog on a Log