Icy Day In Texas

Very sel­dom do we get to enjoy “win­ter” weath­er here in Texas, but the past few days have been the excep­tion. Ice, snow, freez­ing temps, plus bird feed makes for some great pho­to opportunities.

Cardinals red bird photography bird on limb
With­in 5 min­utes of putting out the feed he shows up.

The verse in the Bible, Matthew 6:26 takes on new mean­ing. God promis­es to take care of the birds. We being so much more valu­able to God than the birds, He will also take care of us. Do we trust Him?

House finch bird in snow
House Finch

Win­dows kept fog­ging up and I was unable to get clear shots, so Steve made me my very own “bird” blind. The duck dynasty folks “don’t got noth­ing” on us!

Bird Blind out the hall window made with brown craft paper, razor blade and scotch tape.
Bird Blind out the hall win­dow made with brown craft paper, razor blade and scotch tape.


The Yard looked like a Blue Jay convention at one point. This guy was one of the attendees.
The Yard looked like a Blue Jay con­ven­tion at one point. This guy was one of the attendees.
